Home » Trustland’s Goals for RHS

Trustland’s Goals for RHS

Goal #1
Richfield High School will enhance student achievement through extended learning periods and study sessions.
Academic needs for this goal
•   Reading
•   Mathematics
•   Writing
•   Technology
•   Science
•   Fine Arts
•   Social Studies
•   Health
•   Foreign Language
Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal
1. NWEA benchmark assessments will be providing a baseline (Fall) and mid-year progress (Winter) of student achievement and growth measures.
2.  The final NWEA assessment of growth and achievement will also be provided (Spring).
3.  PLAN and ACT assessments/achievement will be analyzed and compared from year to year.
4.  Class assignment completion and retesting will be tracked for grade completion by using student and teacher rosters for study sessions.
5.  Re-test results at study sessions will improve course mastery and grades/credit.
Outline the steps of the action plan to reach the goal
1. The school will provide multiple one-hour to two-hour evening instructional blocks during grading periods to test, re-teach, re-test, tutor, provide computer-assisted learning, and utilize one-on-one teacher assistance.
2. There will be teacher compensated time before and after school hours to collaborate with curriculum and department cross-curriculum issues.
3. Remediation sessions will be provided in math, reading, and writing in preparation for NWEA, PLAN, and ACT assessments.
Goal #2
Teachers will be given the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of the common core, state core, and cross-curricular teaching methods.
Academic needs for this goal
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Social Studies

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal
1.  The number of teachers given the opportunity to attend training and gather resources will be measured.
2.  Lesson plans for attending training will be measured.

Outline the steps of the action plan to reach the goal
1.  Teachers will be given the opportunity to find and purchase materials for the Common Core and cross-curriculum teaching.
2.  Teachers will be able to attend training for the Common Core and cross-curriculum development.
3.  Teachers will be able to develop lesson plans that meet common core standards and teach across the curriculum. (Payment will be given for up to four hours of work on lesson plans and curriculum.)

Goal #3
Richfield High School will provide two teacher salaries to ensure an appropriate student-teacher ratio and maintain healthy academic programs.
Academic needs for this goal
Foreign Language

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal
Four to five class periods of teacher salary will be supplied.
Outline the steps of the action plan to reach the goal
We will hire two teachers, one for two class periods and another for either two or three class periods.
Goal #4
Richfield High School will purchase, maintain, and upgrade technology for student learning and achievement.
Academic needs for this goal
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Social Studies

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal
1.  All teachers who show ability and willingness to use technology in the classroom are supported with products for teaching and testing students.
2.  Written documentation will be presented to the community council on purchases and how the technology is used.
Outline the steps of the action plan to reach the goal
1. Technology and software purchases will target student academic improvement, basic skills mastery, and improved teacher instructional methods.
2. Classroom equipment purchases (calculators, projectors, science lab equipment, laptop computers, and other necessary related tools) will facilitate teacher instruction and student achievement.)
3.  Classroom equipment will be monitored and maintained by the teachers and staff.
Goal #5
To enhance the transition to the Common Core and continue to follow state core requirements, Richfield High School will purchase supplies and materials for the classroom and other learning centers.
Academic needs for this goal
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Social Studies

Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal
Teachers and students will have classroom materials to aide in teaching and student learning.
Outline the steps of the action plan to reach the goal
1.  We will ensure teachers have the necessary materials to gain teaching knowledge.
2.  We will ensure students have the necessary materials to learn the common/state core standards.